1. What is ls –ltra

ls lists the files in the current working directory - but if another directory is specified, then ls will 

list the files there, and in fact the user may specify any list of files and directories to be listed.


a) - l : long format, displaying Unix file types, permissions, number of hard links, owner, 

group, size, last-modified date and filename

b) -t : sort the list of files by modification time.(newest first) 

c) -a : lists all files in the given directory, including those whose names start with "." 

(Which are hidden files in Unix). By default, these files are excluded from the list.

d) -r : will reverse the sorting order.

2. How to rename a file abc.dat to xyz.dat 

$ mv abc.dat xyz.dat

3. Create a file with time stamp 2015-jan-15 

$ touch -t 1501150808 xyz.dat

4. How to create empty files abc.dat and xyz.dat

$ touch abc.dat

$ touch xyz.dat

5. Remove

a) All files in current directory $ rm *

b) All files in current directory (ask confirmation before delete) 

$ rm –i *

rm: remove regular empty file 'a.txt'? y

rm: remove regular empty file 'b.txt'? y


$ ls -ltr

total 0

c) Remove the directory /home/abc (including files under abc dir) 

$ rm -R /home/abc

6. Find 

a) Number of lines in a file 

$wc –l filename.txt

b) Number of words from 5 to 15 lines



$ sed -n 5,15p a.txt | wc –w

$ head -15 a.txt|tail -11| wc -w

c) Number of characters in first 10 lines

$ sed –n 1,10p a.txt| wc –m

$ head -10 a.txt| ws -m

d) It will display only uniq values  

$ sort za.txt | uniq –u

e) It will print only repeated lines

$ sort za.txt | uniq -d

f )  delete first and last lines 

$ sed '1d;$d' zc.txt

g )It will display specified lines 

$ sed -n -e 1p -e 4,8p -e 12p z.dat

h ) specified line will be incremented (double lines ) 

$ sed -e 1p -e 4,8p -e 12p z.dat

7. How to change file permissions to read and write only (no execution )

$ chmod 666 a.txt

a) Give read, write and execute permission’s to all the files in only current directory 

$ chmod 777 *

b) Remove write permissions to file called test.dat

$ chmod 555 test.dat

$ chmod a-w test.dat

c) Give read, write and execute permission’s to all files including subdirectory

$ chmod -R 777 *

d) Change the owner of a file from jk123 to xy123

$chown xy123 filename.txt

8. Display by using cut and without using cut command for a pipe (“|”) delimiter file 

a) First field 

$cut –d “|” –f1 filename.txt

b) 4

th and 5thfields

$cut –d “|” –f4, 5 filename.txt

c) Last field if file contains 4 fields

$ rev c.txt| cut -d "|" -f1|rev

$ cut -d "|" –f4 c.txt

d) Last filed (if number of fields in each line are not same)

$ rev c.txt| cut -d "|" -f1|rev

e) from 3 field to 8th filed

$ cut -d "|" –f3-8 c.txt

9. From the following data 










6, 10, 2600

a) number of employees 

$ cut -d "," -f1 emp.txt|uniq|wc -l

b) number of departments

$ cut -d "," -f2 emp.txt|sort|uniq|wc -l

c) number of times department repeated

cut -d',' -f2 filename|sort|uniq -c

d) find duplicated department numbers

$ cut -d "," -f2 emp.txt|sort|uniq -d

e) Create a file dept_distinct.dat with the department numbers repeated only once.

f) Create a file with highest salary from each department 

$ cut -d "," -f3 emp.txt|sort -t "," –r |head -1

$ cut -d "," -f3 emp.txt|sort -t "," |tail -1

g) Create a file with lowest salary from each department

$ cut -d "," -f3 emp.txt|sort -t "," |head -1

$ cut -d "," -f3 emp.txt|sort -t "," –r |tail -1

h) Create a file with deptno, no of employees

cut -d',' –f1,2 filename>new filename

10. a) Display last record using sed command?

$ sed -n '$p' emp.txt

b) How can u display the 20 records from 50th record?(using sed and without using sed )

$sed –n ’50, $p’ filename.txt | sed –n ‘1,20p’

$tail –n +50 filename.txt | head –n 20

c) Delete the records from 10 to 50 records

$ sed –n ’10,50d’ filename.txt

d) Delete the first line (using sed and without using sed )

$ sed –n ‘1d’ filename.txt

e) Delete the last line (using sed and without using sed )

$ sed -n '$d' emp.txt

f )Delete specify word lines 

$sed -i '/test/d' file.txt



11. Replace Jeevan with Satya 

a) Only first occurrence

$sed –e “s/Jeevan/Satya/1” file.txt

b) Only second occurrence 

$sed –e “s/Jeevan/Satya/2” file.txt

c) All occurrences

$sed –e “s/Jeevan/Satya/g” file.txt

d) multiple lines 

$ sed -e '1,3 s/string/str/g' -e '5,10 s/decimal/dec/g' zc.txt

e) Add starting “Y” and ending “N” 

$ sed 's/.*/y & n /' zc.txt

f)removing line spaces 

$sed '/^$/d' zp.txt 

g) it wil print line by line 

$ sed 'n;d' zp.txt

h)counting the no of lines 

$sed -n '$=' zp.txt (or) $wc -l both same

i) it will display numbers onley data 

$sed '/./=' zp.txt | sed '/./N; s/\n/ /' 


It will display numbers of total file 

$sed = zp.txt| sed 'N; s/^/ /; s/ *\(.\{6,\}\)\n/\1 /'

Use the following command to delete blank lines in a file

 $ cat country.txt | sed -e '/^$/d'

j) Use the following command to delete blank lines in a file

 $ cat country.txt | sed -e '/^$/d'

h) Add comma in beginning of the file

$sed "s/^/,/" zc.txt =>add semicolon last line==> $awk '{print $0 ";"}' zc.txt

12. Replace Jeevan(any case) with Satya including subdirectories from the current directory 

13. display the first 10 records

$head filename.txt

14. display the last 10 records 

$tail filename.txt

15. VI commands 

Go to the first line :0

Go to the last line :$

Delete the lines from 5 to 10 : 5,10 d

Delete the last line :$ enter D

Delete the current line (line where cursor presents ) D

 Replace Satya with Jeevan: ‘%s/satya/jeevan/g’

Display the line numbers: setnum

16. Display all the files which contains “knr” 

 In current directory

$grep “knr” *

 Including subdirectories

$grep -R “knr” *

 By ignoring case sensitive 

 $grep -i “knr” *

 Display with line numbers 

 $grep -n“knr” *

 Starting of the file




 End of the file $

 Number of times match string repeated for each line

 grep -in "string" filename|uniq -c

 Total number matches in a particular file

 $grep –c “knr” k.txt

 All lines which doesn’t contains “knr”

$grep –v “knr” k.txt

 Display all lines which doesn’t contains “Shahul” either at starting or ending 

 Display the lines which contains “Phani” in first 50 lines

$head 50 file.txt|grep “^phani” 

 Display all lines which contains phani or Shahul

 Display all the lines which x repeats more than twice.

 Grep all the lines a[]b ([] specifies any character ) 

$grep “a*b” filename.txt

Explain the difference between grep , egrep and fgrep with an example 

grep is an acronym that stands for "Global Regular Expressions Print". grep is a program which 

scans a specified file or files line by line, returning lines that contain a pattern.

egrep is an acronym that stands for "Extended Global Regular Expressions Print".

The 'E' in egrep means treat the pattern as a regular expression. "Extended Regular 

Expressions" abbreviated 'ERE' is enabled in egrep. egrep (which is the same as grep -E) 

treats +, ?, |, (, and ) as meta-characters.

fgrep is an acronym that stands for "Fixed-string Global Regular Expressions Print".

fgrep (which is the same as grep -F) is fixed or fast grep and behaves as grep but does NOT 

recognize any regular expression meta-characters as being special. The search will complete 

faster because it only processes a simple string rather than a complex pattern.

17. Find all 

Directories from the directory /home $find /home –type d

Directories only in current directory $find . –type d

Display all empty size files $ find . -type f -size 0M

Find 10 days old directories $ find . –type d –mtime -10



Find all files from the current directory which are older than 30 days and size >10MB 

$ find . –type f –mtime -30 -size 10M

Find all files from the current directory which are older than 30 days and size >10MB and zip 

them in one file 

Find all files from the current directory which are older than 30 days and size >10MB and 

remove them 

find . –type f -mtime +30 -size +10M -exec rm -r {} \;

18. How to 

Find all process running in system : ps

how to kill a process: kill -9 processid

Userid: id –u username

Servername: Uname -n

Osname: uname

First line of the script 

Run a shell script 

Redirect one command output to another command

Cat file1.dat file2.dat file3.dat|sort

Redirect output of a command to file

Cat file1.dat file2.dat file3.dat|sort>file4.dat

Run the shell script with arguments and without arguments 

19. Write a script to print scriptname, first argument, second argument and total no of arguments

passed to the script and all argument passed to the script. 

a. Example:kshtest.ksh a b c 

b. Output should be 

c. Script name:test.ksh

d. Total arguments passed to script: 3 

e. First argument is: a

f. Second argument is: b 

g. Third argument is: c 

h. Arguments passed to the scripts are: a b c 



20. What is $0, $1, $3, $#, $@, $?

$0 scriptname

$1 first argument

$3 third argument

$# count of arguments

$@ no.of arguments

$? Last execution position

21. For the following data 

a. 1|a|b|c

b. 2|x|y

c. 3|x

d. 4|5|6|7

e. 7|8|9|10

First filed 

Last field

Number of fields in each line 

Display distinct fileds in entire file

Display all lines which contains only one pipe. 

22. Write a script to accept two numbers and print product of two numbers. 

23. If Pwd is pointing to Server1:/home/jk1234 

Copy the file test123.dat from server2:/home/pk1234 to server 1 /home/jk1234/xyz/ 

a) Copy the file test123.dat from server2:/home/pk1234 to server 1 


scp pk1234@server2:/home/pk1234/test123.dat ~/xyz/test123.dat

Copy the file to xzy.dat from server1 to server2:/home/pk1234

i. scp xyz.dat pk1234@server2:/home/pk1234/



24. AWK

a) Print only specific field from a file 

$ awk '{print $2,$5;}' employee.txt

b) rami_reddy ==>it will display rami reddy 

$ awk -F "_" '{print $2,$3}' zc.txt


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